We aim for a healthy, equitable world, and the public health influence to achieve it.

Our Vision

A healthy, equitable world, where DrPHers are integrated and integral agents for social change and to cultivate a community of public health and DrPH practitioners who are catalysts for social change and advancing health equity.

Our Goals

  • Amplify NADrPH's Voice

    Establish NADrPH as the professional association reflecting DrPHers with a strong and credible voice in national discourse about public health leadership.

  • Grow the DrPH Community

    Build a valuable, highly connected community of DrPH professionals and students.

  • Expand Leadership Opportunities

    Pursue strategic outreach to organizations (such as workforce development, partnerships, etc.) and efforts that expand work and leadership opportunities for Doctors of Public Health.

  • Elevate Education Feedback

    Connect critical feedback from DrPH students and alumni to those developing and managing public health education and programs.

  • Enhance Public Expertise

    Build the capacity of DrPH professionals to publicly offer their expertise.

Where We Are

Find DrPH programs around the world using our custom map below.