Launched in 2018, we’re now 700+ members strong, and the only national organization for and by DrPHers.

Our Story

  • DrPH Coalition Launches

    Originally called the DrPH Coalition, our organization was officially established in 2018. We sought to provide a space for DrPHers to share and seek resources, meet fellow DrPHers, and grow in their careers.

  • First Annual Conference

    In 2019, we held our first annual conference, bringing together DrPH students and alumni to leverage their expertise, diversity, and creativity for the advancement of public health.

  • Became a Nonprofit Organization

    In 2020, we received our official 501(c)(3) status, allowing us to raise funds to continue providing resources and services to a growing number of students and professional DrPHers.

  • Memberships & Directors Forum

    In 2021, we launched our first memberships for DrPHers, as well as establishing our DrPH Directors Forum, which brings together program directors from all over the country to discuss successes and challenges in DrPH education.

  • Launched Mentorship Program & Organizational Membership

    In 2022, we launched our mentorship program which provides mentoring opportunities to early and mid career professionals . We also launched our Organizational School- Based Membership which enables schools to give their students a free NADrPH membership.

  • New Name, Expanded Mission

    No longer the DrPH Coalition, in 2023 we became the National Organization for Doctors of Public Health (NADrPH), in order to better align our name with our mission!